what is Transaction Room

What Is Transaction Room

To make effective corporate decisions, special attention should be paid to the use of information systems. One of them is the transaction room.

Transaction room –  a necessary business tool

The activities of corporations in conditions of economic instability require non-standard approaches to finding mechanisms for making effective corporate decisions. Private business owners have recognized the fact that in an ever-changing market, growing competition, well-thought-out, and successful international mergers and acquisitions can significantly increase the value of their companies. Today, international mergers and acquisitions (M&A) have a strong place in company policy as the main strategic tool for business development.

The process of mergers and acquisitions consists of six stages. The first three stages are the process of planning a deal, conducting analytical work on a potential M&A, negotiating possible transactions, and preparing and signing an agreement. The second three stages are the practical implementation of the project. The main stages of  an M&A transaction comprise:

  • development of M&A strategy;
  • analysis of the potential object of M&A;
  • negotiation process and conclusion of an agreement;
  • assessment and stabilization of the situation;
  • integration;
  • post-integration.

The search for ways to make effective transactions in corporations, especially in conditions of economic instability, forces us to look for means of accumulating the intellectual capabilities of the participants in this process. These tools include enterprise decision support transaction rooms. So, what is transaction room?

The functionality of the transaction room

A transaction room is a system that implements transactions over a data warehouse. The task of a transactional system is to process as many transactions as possible in the shortest possible time with a guarantee of error-free results. An analog to this platform is Virtual Data Room.

A transactional room is an online tool used to support the business operations of enterprises. It works on the principle of an open or closed B2B platform, and its use is carried out with the help of appropriate software or any web browser.

Transactional platforms create a virtual environment for direct interaction and transactions between users, while innovative platforms create an environment for code developers and content producers for applications and software.

Transaction rooms are designed to integrate the capabilities of modern tools for collecting, analytical processing, and visual presentation of information, as well as to support group activities of experts. Today, more interest is shown in rooms, which make it possible to quickly “immerse” the participants in the decision-making process in the problem under consideration, “teach them to speak” in one language, help to understand the problem, correctly formulate requests to external sources of information and jointly prepare a good solution.

The digital platform is operated not only by a software-technical tool but also as a communication medium with a single control for all economic agents. Transaction room allows customers to independently design their business processes of any complexity and tie them to the organizational structure. On its basis, several boxed products have been released that cover basic business needs:

  • electronic document management system;
  • corporate portal;
  • automation of the technical support service.

The realization of Transaction room has the following benefits:

  • Convenient monitoring. The solution provides transparency of processes and ease of their monitoring using modern technologies and reliable system architecture
  • Stability and reliability. The solution allows you to reduce errors and maintain the integrity of business processes. The system provides stability of operation, fault tolerance of systems, and the entire complex of components
  • Convenient interface. The cross-platform allows you to work in any browser, mobile application – this provides convenient access to the system and saves time.